Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Safe Handling Of Essential Oils

Used properly essential oils are safe, which can be used to advantage in aromatherapy for massage, the sickroom, the bathroom and to freshen up and make fragrant the air in your home. Always keep them out of reach of children.  Use them with care and they will help to take care of you.
Essential oils have been used as a natural perfumery and favouring agent for centuries, they are safe to use in minute quantities, they are no more hazardous to use in the home then bleach or disinfectant. Use essential oils in drops, it will ensure that you are not using to much.
Essential oils are made by distilling natural plant material which is “flower power” as high as it can be, on average, it is seventy times more concentrated than the botanical material from which the oil has been extracted. Citrus oils are made from the peel which when pressed the oil is released. Whatever the method the oil is very concentrated and must be used very sparingly.
Storing essential oils always make sure the cap is tightly on and stored in an upright position and in a cool place, the oils should be out of sight and touch of small children also if you have animals as some oils if swallowed neat can be toxic.
Mixing essential oils when mixing essential oils always ensure that you have the correct amount of carrier oil to which you add the correct amount of essential oils. Never mix in plastic bottles only use glass, porcelain.
Using Droppers now a days most essential oil bottles come with a dropper cap fitted and all you have to do is shake a few drops out. But if your bottle comes with out you must use some sort of dropper so you can have the correct amount of drops.
Using essential oils in oil burners or vaporisers using an oil burner or vaporisers is a popular method today of releasing the natural fragrance of essential oils into your room. You may just want to relax or to be stimulated what ever you choose you can get the right essential oil for the right occasion.
Do note that essential oils can be very volatile they can burn easily. So always take care in position your burner or vaporiser.
You must never allow the oil to go anywhere near a naked flame of the candle.
You must not allow the bowl of the vaporiser to dry out while the candle is still lit.
Always have your burners on a level but firm surface away from windows, curtains anything that is likely to catch fire, always make sure that it cannot be knocked over, stand on tiles, plates or unpolished floor, when in use never leave the burner unattended especially if children or animals are in the room. Always follow the instructions.
Using essential oils in light bulb rings these are mostly made of porcelain sometimes aluminium, they are used in the same way as an oil burner to fragrance a room, the heat from the bulb vaporises the oil best results are when the doors are closed. If using on a lamp make sure the lamp cannot be knocked over and is on a firm surface, the ring goes on top of the light bulb make sure it is straight add water to the ring and a few drops of oil switch on light and when it heats up it vaporises the oil, when refilling the ring always switch off the light and allow to cool before refilling.
Using essential oil in the bathroom adding a few drops of oil to the bath water will give a lovely fragrant you and bath never use more than 10 drops always add oil after you have filled the bath never put oil in first, agitate the water to disperse the oil for people with sensitive skin they can dilute the oil with a small amount of vegetable oil or full fat milk before mixing in bath water. If bathing children don’t let them suck their fingers and don’t let them rub their eyes with wet hands that have been in the water, always wipe down your bath immediately after use as it can mark plastic baths.
Using essential oils in inhalations this method is traditionally a home remedy to help ease congestion caused by colds, coughs, catarrh and sinusitis, just three drops of oil in a bowl with boiling water helps the rising vapours to be inhaled keeping the mouth slightly open and the eyes firmly shut. Eucalyptus, pine or peppermint are mostly used in inhalation.
Essential oils in cooking some essential oils can be used in tiny quantities and are recognised to be save natural flavourings, aniseed, cardamom, lavender, orange and other citrus fruits, peppermint, spearmint, they are all used to flavour sugar confectionary and can also be used in the home for the same purpose, they can also flavour sorbets, ice cream, fondant. Marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme, used by the cooking industry for flavouring but in the home most people prefer to use the fresh or dried herbs in their cooking as just even one drop of essential oil could ruin most domestic dishes as it is so intense.
Problems that might arise using essential oils Cassia, Clove, Cinnamon, Thyme, can cause skin irritation with people with sensitive skin it varies from person to person and oil to oil always do a little test on yourself before you use any essential oil, dilute a drop of oil and try it on your hand,
Pregnancy and some essential oils are not to be used, Basil Clary Sage Cedarwood Cypress Fennel Hyssop Juniper Marjoram Nutmeg Parsley Peppermint Rose Rosemary Sage Thyme all are considered not to be used when pregnant.

If oils are swallowed or inhaled accidentally then always seek medical advice.
If there is contact with eyes then wash eyes thoroughly with cold water and seek medical attention if stinging persists.

What Are Parabens

Is their use safe and how does the media hype stack up against the facts?
Paraben’s are found naturally and synthetically are an effective preservative; because of their low cost and long history of safe use their popularity in many products has created consumer awareness. Whilst scientific studies have not proven they are harmful an increasing number of individuals and organizations are increasingly objecting to their everyday use.
Hydroxybenzoic acid is the base for Paraben’s, it is also from this that the name derived. Common paraben’s include methylparaben E218 ethylparaben E214 propylparaben E216 and butylparaben. Less common paraben’s include isobutylparaben, isopropylpararben, benzylparaben and their sodium salts. Some paraben’s are found naturally in plant sources such as methylparaben from the blueberry shrub where it acts as an antimicrobial agent. Synthetically produced Paraben’s are used in commercial applications; some are identical to those found in nature. They are produced by the estification of parahydroxybenzoic acid with the appropriate alcohol. Hydroxybenzoic acid is in turn produced industrially using potassium phenoxide and carbon dioxide.
The low toxicity profile of these Paraben’s, with a recorded history of safe use means they are considered to be safe, however, a few recent studies have begun to challenge this view. These studies have shown that they are rapidly absorbed when tested on the acute, subtonic and chronic effects in rodents, and have also found them to be practically non-toxic, rapidly absorbed and excreted. Their uses by individuals with normal skin have for the most part proved them to be both non-irritating and non-sensitizing. Paraben’s can however cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis in individuals with Paraben allergies, cases have arisen where they have been known to affect a small percentage of the general population.
Studies on breast tumors indicate a Paraben’s were found in samples but the validity of this study’s conclusions have been debated in the scientific literature, this study has been responsible for fuelling the belief that Paraben’s in underarm deodorants have migrated though the lymph glands and the breast tissue and contributed to the development of the tumors. There is no evidence to support that a link with cancer has ever been proven or indeed a link with any known form of cancer. Their effects on the male or female breast or male reproductive tract being linked to cancer is highly implausible as a recent review found it is biologically unfounded that Paraben’s could increase the risk, even in the worst-case where daily exposure to Paraben’s would present substantially less risk than relative exposure to naturally occurring Paraben’s in the diet. In conclusion there is no good scientific evidence that use of cosmetics that include Paraben’s such as antiperspirants increase the risk of cancer, this conclusion has not silenced the critics, whilst the debate continues the consensus of Public Interested bodies is that there needs to be more research. Because of the controversy surrounding Paraben’s we have selected products where their use is known to be none or to be of very little consequence
Use this link to go direct to our
Bath and Body Products where you can view our range of Paraben free products.

Monday, 17 January 2011

Mango Both Food and Fragrance

Fully matured Mangoes are harvested and quickly transported to fruit processing plants, where they are inspected and washed, selected high quality fruits then go to the controlled ripening chambers; fully ripened Mango fruits are then washed, blanched, pulped, de-seeded, centrifuged, homogenized, concentrated when required, thermally processed and aseptically filled maintaining commercial sterility.
This concentrate is then used to create a drink which is very popular with its many followers who love the sweet bitter flavour of the fresh fruit; it is also used in puddings, ice cream, yoghurt and various bakery fillings, most other parts of the plant are used including the bark, stem and leaves in other processes.
Mango Pulp is made as explained above from selected varieties of Mango harvested in various part of India.
The most popular varieties produced worldwide includes;
• Alphonso Mango Pulp
• Totapuri Mango Pulp
• Raspuri and Kesar Mango Pulp
Essentially a prime table fruit, Mango Pulp is perfectly suited for conversion to juices, drinks, jams and fruit cheese or to be had by itself or with cream as a superb dessert. It can also be used in puddings, bakery fillings, fruit meals for children and flavours for food industry, and also to make the most delicious ice creams, yoghurt and confectionery.
The exotic aroma of the product is retained by freezing when being transported. Alphonso Mango Pulp is made from select Alphonso variety mangoes, ripened under controlled atmospheric conditions, it is suitable for blending with other varieties. As explained the preparation process includes cutting, de-stoning, refining and packing. In case of aseptic packing the pulp is sterilized and packed in aseptic bags. The refined pulp is also packed in cans, hermetically sealed and retorted. Frozen pulp is pasteurised and deep-frozen in plate freezers. The process ensures that the natural flavour and aroma of the fruit is retained in the final product.
The Mango fragranced body butter is rich in vitamin 'E' it is also kind to sensitive skin and is one of the most popular products in the range of body butters, some say that products enriched with the mango fragrance are good enough to eat. However we do not advise this course of action.
If you have read P B Greaves account of Bath and Body Products and feel you would like to view our range in more detail then click the link to be transferred to our site. If the link is broken then use http://herbalbasedproducts.com. On the left of our page there is a box containing all the links to our varied bath and body products, whilst you are browsing why not enter your email address in the red box at the top of the page and receive our PDF on uses for essential oils.

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Why Natural Skin Care Products Are Better for Your Health

Your skin is the largest organ in your body. Yet most people don't think of it in that way. Skin is just skin, right? Wrong. Anything that your skin touches is absorbed into your body. Smog, chemicals and anything else your body touches can be absorbed into the skin over time and cause lasting damage to the skin and to your health. The skin care products you use are no different.
Your skin is damaged by everything around you. Our skin was not meant to withstand the chemicals it comes into contact with daily. Why would you add more chemicals to try to reverse the damage? It just doesn't make sense.
Natural skin care products are much better for your health, both for the health of your skin and your overall health in general. These products are easily found in natural skin care shops. Alternatively, you can even make your own natural skin care products for use in your home.
For example, did you know that an oatmeal bath cleans the pores and softens the skin? Oatmeal is also great for treating eczema and psoriasis, two skin conditions that are largely caused by harsh water and chemicals around you that your skin just can't handle. An oatmeal facial mask is the most natural and noninvasive exfoliate you can possibly use, and you can make it right in your own home using organic oats. If you have a problem with crow's feet, you can use cold cucumbers or a cool eye mask every night in order to lessen wrinkles and bags under the eyes. Additionally, coconut butter or oil is a good moisturizer. The same green tea bags that you use to make your tea are great to add to a hot bath. Green tea is rich in antioxidants that reverse the problems caused by the chemicals your skin comes into contact with each day.
If you do not want to make your own natural skin care products you can purchase them in a number of health food stores or skin care boutiques. The key is to look for words such as organic and natural. However, you have to be careful and read the labels for ingredients lists as well. Something doesn't have to be one hundred percent organic or natural to claim it in their advertising. Check the labels for anything you can't pronounce. If you can't pronounce it, then it is probably a chemical that your body doesn't need.
One of the natural chemicals to watch for is alpha hydroxyl acid, or AHA. Alpha hydroxyl acid is very good for all types of skin conditions, including acne and skin discolorations. It is also good for smoothing out fine lines such as occur around the mouth and eyes in your middle aged years. Beta hydroxyl acid is also a naturally occurring chemical, and helps repair the damage caused by the sun or tanning beds.
Another way to consider natural skin care is as a reflection of what is going on in your body. In some alternative medicine circles, it is believed that poor skin is a reflection of a poor digestive system or diet. This is becoming increasingly proven in medical circles as well. Instead of jumping to buying natural skin care products, you might consider how well your diet is working for you, as well as whether or not you may have some digestive issues. Lots of water and high fiber snacks will really help keep your digestive track running smoothly and keep your skin looking shiny and healthy.
For more information please visit our site at Handicap Showers A resource guide to Handicap Accessible Showers.

Choose Natural Beauty and Skin Care Products: Protect the Health of Yourself and Your Family

It is a fact that allergic reactions, skin sensitivities, childhood eczema, adult acne and rosacea are all on the increase. It is also true that the number of personal care products has grown exponentially over the last 10 years, with most women using several different beauty products every day. Many of the chemicals contained within these products are potentially harmful, and untested in the long term. Several are linked with allergies and skin sensitivities, and some are linked to birth defects (the phthalate group) and cancers such as breast cancer. The chemicals enter the body through the skin (lotions and creams), the respiratory system (sprays and aromas) and through ingestion (lip balms and lipsticks).
If you wear lipstick you may eat sixty pounds of the stuff in a life time, and most contain artificial colours (linked to cancer, skin sensitivity, memory problems and behavioral problems; keep it away from your teenaged daughter!) as well as other carcinogenic chemicals (cancer-causing), toxic metals such as lead and aluminium, artificial perfumes and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin. If you would like to avoid ingesting this unpleasant chemical cocktail, invest in a lipstick or gloss made with natural ingredients and pigments, such as Burt's Bees Lip Shimmers http://www.myburtsbees.co.uk at around £5. Your lip balm is also usually made with chemicals such as Petroleum Jelly, yep, that's PETROLEUM as in Petrol. You may wish to switch to a more natural lip balm based on natural waxes and oils.
Children and babies are increasingly targeted by the body care industry, and many kid products will contain several of the nasty chemical ingredients listed in newsletter 65. Children and babies are most at risk from the toxicity of these chemicals as their organs are less able to process the impurities. Luckily there are many children's organic and natural products available now. I have almost completely eliminated my children's eczema by using more natural products on their skin, but just one yellow Mister men fun bubble bath, with bring them both out in rashes immediately. Tesco now do a range called Halos and Horns which avoid the use of chemical nasties. I recommend Weleda, and Lavera which can both be found in organic supermarkets, health food shops and on the internet. Sainsburys and Waitrose also stock Nature Baby Care nappies, wet wipes and travel wipes, which avoid the main nasties, and are made also without bleach. For kid-friendly first-aid, try Dr Greenfingers http://www.drgreenfingers.co.uk who also supply very handy bravery stickers.
If you are concerned about the amount of chemicals in your skin care, then there are many good products on the market which you can choose from, but sometimes they do seem more expensive. One way around this is to make your own. There are plenty of ingredients around the house which will double up as top class beauty products, and home made can also be of interest for teenage girls, and possibly provide inspiration for Christmas presents. Here are a few ideas;
o Try olive oil and salt body scrub, to smooth rough skin and exfoliate. Yes you have guessed it, all you do it add some salt to some olive oil, and rub in big circles into the skin while you are in the bath or shower. Alternatively you could use almond oil and sugar.
o Mash an avocado and apply as a moisturizing face pack (you may wish to do this when everyone is out).
o Rinse blonde hair with chamomile tea or diluted lemon juice to add highlights and shine, and rinse dark hair with dilute apple cider vinegar for shine.
o Massage lemon juice, almond oil and sugar into the finger tips to exfoliate, clean and moisturize the hand and nail.
o Make some honey conditioner with a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of olive oil and an egg. Massage it into the hair and scalp, wrap in a warm towel and wash off after half an hour with a mild shampoo; you may wish to use tepid water to avoid looking like an omelet. For dry hair do the same using some warm olive or almond oil.
o For tired eyes, sit back with two slices of cucumber, or some used chamomile tea bags. For conjunctivitis.
o For aching muscles and some real aromatherapy, tie some rosemary, mint, and thyme into some muslin, and steep in your bath water.
o To exfoliate, cleanse and soften skin, add some warm water to oat meal (keep it handy for your healthy breakfast), and wash the face with the resulting paste.
o For a relaxing bath, take a jar; add milk, and a few drops of lavender oil, shake well, and run under the hot tap into the bath. The milk softens the skin, and disperses the drops of oil evenly. (I use this for the kids as well).
o Make massage, bath or body oil, by adding your favorite essential oil to almond oil (available at the chemist).
o For spotty problem skin, wash with cold chamomile tea which is naturally anti bacterial.
o If you become interested in making your own cosmetics take a look at http://www.nealsyardremedies.com which has a full range of base ingredients.
If you like the idea of fewer chemicals in your beauty regime, but love beauty products, do not despair, there is a growing range of products to tempt you. Some products may be slightly more money than you are used to paying, but they often last longer, and you tend to use them more sparingly and carefully. The award-winning Skincare Café (www.skincarecafe.com) offer an enticing range of beauty Products, which are 100% free from harsh chemicals such as, parabens, sulphates, alcohol, lanolin, petrochemicals, GM, benzoates, PEG's, propylene glycol and synthetic colours or perfumes.
Other natural products such as Dr Hauschka, Weleda, and Lavera are a third cheaper to buy from Germany; try http://www.alegria-naturkosmetik.de/ for natural cosmetics, sun cream, beauty, and mother and child: order with your friends to split the cost of postage. Visit your local organic supermarket or health food shop for more ideas, and read labels carefully, as many products pretend to be healthier by tempting you with promises of essential oils, and over-using the word natural, when they are really just lots of chemicals with essential oils added. Don't forget that people did survive without hundreds of beauty products in the past, and one of the best things that you can do to stay beautiful is to drink plenty of water, and eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables (but you knew that).
Vikki Scovell BA(hons) PG DIP is a fully qualified Personal Trainer and Fitness Coach. She is a qualified Nutrition Adviser, GP Referred Trainer and runs successful Community and Corporate Exercise classes and events. Vikki is a consultant in Healthy Eating and Exercise initiatives to schools in the independent sector and publishes School and General Healthy Living newsletters. Vikki believes passionately that everyone can make small changes to their lifestyle to ensure that they live happier, longer and healthier lives. She lives in Bristol in the U.K. with her partner Jeremy and two young children Apple and Honey. For enquiries for nutritional advice, personal training, corporate wellness and general enquiries visit =>www.getfitter.net

Choose Your Body Lotion

Body lotions come in many different combinations of herbs, natural products derived from fruits, plant leaves or seeds. They work in so many ways, such as healing dry skin, improving skin's texture, nourishing and replenishing skin's lost natural oils as well as it restores the radiance of the skin.
I. Natural Ingredients:
1. Shea butter
Derived from the fruit kernels of the shea nut tree, it has remarkable healing and softening abilities. Studies show that shea butter has anti inflammatory effects on the skin, thus increase wound healing and improve scar appearance. From its physical make up of vitamin E, vitamin A, and cinnamic acid as well as a unique fatty acid profile, this butter can moisturize and heal dry skin.
2. Sunflower oil
Is rich in vitamins E and A and very high in fatty acids that aids in restoring skin moisture, natural oils and regenerates. Vitamin A encourages collagen production and is able to retain moisture.
3. Almond oil
Easily absorbed, this is an important nutrient for skin softening and conditioning. With high vitamin A content, it is very suitable to dry, flaky or inflamed skin. Helps the skin to balance its loss and absorption of moisture.
4. Jojoba oil
Good for all skin types, It readily penetrates the skin to nourish, moisturize and softens dry skin. Hypoallergenic and pure, it contains minerals, proteins and a waxy substance which imitates the skin's collagen, making it supple and soft to the touch.
5. Cocoa butter
A very popular ingredient among hand and body lotions, like the shea butter, it acts as an emollient helping the skin feel soft and calm. It can also prevent and lessen stretch marks if applied regularly.
6 Aloe Vera
Studies show that aloe vera can very well improve the skin's capability to hydrate itself. It has a powerful penetrating ability which carries healthy substances through the skin. With daily use, aloe vera will help maintain a healthy glowing skin. Because of its numerous biologically active ingredients, such as polysaccharides, phytosterols, glycerol, vitamins E, B & C and zinc; these all contribute to the healing, scar reducing and anti inflammatory effects of aloe vera.
7. Macadamia oil
This has lubrication properties and is easily absorbed. This oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids acting as anti oxidants to prevent deterioration and weakening of cell membrane. It is also an emollient with magnesium and thiamine, that soothes and calms. Good for mature and aging skin.
8. Glycerin
It has humectant properties, drawing moisture from the air unto the skin.
II. Choosing The Right Body Lotion For You:
- Read labels
Different products have different ingredients. It is important that you know what consists of the lotion that you are buying, to avoid allergies. Also choose a product labeled as a moisturizer.
- Choose a moisturizing lotion
Take note of the positive changes it has done to your skin. Note these changes and if you love the results, then continue using it.
- Know your skin
Although many lotions are for all skin types, there are lotions which are specifically formulated for normal,dry, amd extra dry skin. It is best to buy a lotion that could address to your skin type to achieve the best results.
- Know what you need
Do you need a lotion just for daily moisturizing? Or you have stretch marks that needs attention too? There are hundreds of moisturizing products in the market that can improve the appearance of your stretch marks as well as nourish your skin.
- Consider your skin's condition
If you have sensitive skin, choose a moisturizing lotion that is noncomedogenic. This means that the lotion has been proven and tested not to cause acne reactions on the skin. Likewise, unscented body lotions will unlikely cause allergies.
- Consider your lifestyle
If you are the type who loves spending time outdoors, you may need a lotion with ultraviolet protection, to minimize skin wrinkling and drying.
- Consider the season
In winter, choose a heavier lotion with shea butter or any intensive ingredient. During the summer, a lighter, well absorbed lotion with aloe vera and sunscreen protection works best.
For more great body lotion related articles and resources check out [http://bodylotion.bathnbodyhq.com]

Healthy, Natural Products To Leave You Feeling Relaxed and Refreshed!

I am going to share with you some advantages of using bath and body products that come from the earth's own healthy, natural properties. Properties such as natural exfoliating, invigorating, replenishing, and pampering for you and your whole family...including the pets!
Products that are made ONLY with healthy and natural ingredients would be products made from essential oils that will provide an aromatherapy atmosphere to your bath time experience, as well as, a healthy way to relieve stress and rid your body of toxins that build up in our bodies daily. There are also herbs, salts, clays, (our Dead Sea Collection will provide an exotic experience to your bath and body routine) and botanicals that will add to your already comfortable and private spa-like experience, but without the expensive spa prices.
Natural and healthy soaps, lotions and creams soften your skin after a long hard day at work or play, masks/scrubs rid your skin of the dry, dead skin cells that accumulate on our face and body, candles (bring that warm and intimate feeling to your bath time), shower gels and bubble bath, body butters to soothe your dry and tired skin, lip treatments, hair treatments, children's products keep your child's skin healthy and smooth, pet products provide the family's precious pet with a refreshing opportunity to stay clean and healthy, the right accessories complete the pleasurable, private experience of taking care of the whole person...YOU!!
It's important for us to take care of our bodies, and by using products that are healthy, natural and come from the earth, we can be assured that we will be giving our bodies those necessary nutrients to bring back that refreshed and replenished look and feeling we all need to stay comfortable and relaxed in this hectic world!
Mary Daniels owns [http://www.bathandbodycomfort.com] and has contacts with several businesses and suppliers that make and/or distribute these healthy, natural products. Mary is concerned that so many products today contain too many additives and unnecessary chemicals which are harsh and destructive to our skin and bodies. Mary is selling all healthy, natural products to promote the use of products that won't harm our bodies, but leave us feeling clean, refreshed, and invigorated. I wanted to provide a website that offered people the opportunity to purchase products that would not promote an allergic reaction or leave them feeling uncomfortable. I want people to be able to get away from the stresses of the world and the anxieties that come along with it, and be able to relax with the products that I am providing them.
Bath and Body Comfort is something that Mary came up after being concerned with today's harsh chemicals involved in bath and body products. She decided to do something about it; so she is selling completely healthy and natural bath and body products.

Looking For a Change? Try Organic Body Products

Do you have very sensitive skin? Are you into green living and prefer using natural products instead? Do you want to avoid skin problems that are caused by using chemically produced soaps, shampoo, and other body products? If yes, then organic body products may just be perfect for you. They are 100% natural and made from the purest extracts of plants, flowers and natural oils.
Long before organic products were introduced in the market, people loved to experiment with different body products that were commercially and chemically produced. These products may have come in beautiful packaging but their content is a far cry from naturally made products. They contain harsh chemicals that can trigger the growth of pimples, acne, whiteheads, and blackheads.
They can also leave the skin dry and flaky. Although some of these products claim to contain moisturisers and vitamin E, still they are not the perfect match for your sensitive skin.
If you want to change and try other products, you must consider trying organic body products. They have been dominating shelves in the market because of their unique characteristics, health benefits, and varied choices. Here are the most in demand organic health and wellness products you must try:
Organic soap
If your skin is too sensitive for beauty and body soaps that have high chemical content, you should turn to organic soaps. They come in bars and liquid form. They are made of 100% natural plant extracts and essential oils like olive. They are highly recommended by dermatologists especially for those who are suffering from skin problems like pimples, acne, blackheads, and other blemishes. They also come in different fragrances like rose and orange.
Organic bath oil
Women love to pamper themselves with commercial bath products that sometimes, they are already stripping themselves of natural moisture produced by the skin, without their knowing it. Organic bath oils can help keep the body moisturised and hydrated. In addition, they leave your skin soft, supple, and sweet smelling.
Organic body wash
People who don't like to use soaps usually use body wash when cleaning themselves. The best thing about organic body wash is that it doesn't leave your skin dry. As a matter of fact, you no longer need to apply moisturiser or lotion after using one. They are also available in various fragrances.
Many people are already starting to live a healthy lifestyle. If you want to be one of them, buying organic body products is the best way to start. These products are all-natural since they don't use chemicals like artificial colouring and animal fats. Instead they are made of natural oils and plant extracts that leave no harmful side effects. They also come in attractive and refillable containers.
Today, there are many organic products available. You can buy them in leading supermarkets, health and beauty shops, spas, and even online. Carefully check the labels before buying to ensure that the products are indeed of organic content.
Are you looking for Organic Body Products to help your skin feel gorgeous? Melbury's is the company that can help as they can offer great prices on their wide range of products. For more information on the company and how they could help you please visit the website at http://www.melburys.co.uk/

Natural Body Products - Steps to Implement Change

You have probably heard about the potential hazards of chemicals found in bath and body products. You are also probably aware that there are safe alternatives available. But the idea of completely changing your body care routine to replace the harmful products with natural products can be overwhelming and confusing. There are many questions you may be asking yourself. What is the difference between natural body products and organic products? Will the cost difference break my budget? Where do I start? Take small steps to make these changes, and they will pay off! Even small changes will bring enormous benefits to you and your family.
A simple first step is to start reading the ingredients labels on your bath and body products and cosmetics. This will help you become more aware of what these products contain and how to recognize natural and organic ingredients. Products containing parabens - chemicals used by the cosmetic industry as preservatives - should be avoided. Look for ingredients with recognizable names - fruits, herbs, and other plants, for example.
A great resource for evaluating the hazards of chemicals in common beauty products is the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety database at http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com from the Environmental Working Group. It is easy to use - just enter the brand name of a product and it will display the product along with a hazard score, as long as the product is in their database. The scores are assigned based on the toxicity of the chemicals found in the ingredients. This is a tool that can be used to evaluate the products you are currently using and find safer alternatives.
The next important step to switching to natural body products is to search for those with safe, natural, and organic ingredients to replace those currently in your beauty routine and make a habit of buying only those products. These items may be difficult to find in box stores, so try natural foods stores in your area or the organic section of supermarkets. There are also many products available online if you do a search for natural body products or organic products. Homemade natural body products are a great alternative as well. You can make your own or find home businesses that specialize in body products. Etsy is a great place to search for home businesses that make natural and organic beauty products. You do not have to replace every item in your beauty routine at the same time. Take baby steps, find alternative products you are happy with, and over time you will have a much healthier supply of bath and beauty products in your home.
Shannon Oyler is a work at home mom specializing in online business and author of the Natural Body Products Blog.
Natural Body Products Blog

Unwind with Natural Bath and Body Products at Home

After a long day, who doesn't love to indulge in a warm sudsy bath lightly scented with stress relieving essential oils? Pampering bath and body products are widely available, but many contain chemicals, perfumes and dyes that are often harmful to sensitive skin. There is an alternative for people who choose to go the natural route. Natural bath and body products, including skin care products for men and children have become increasingly popular as the population demands better products and more options.
Why should we consider natural bath and body products over commercial synthetic products? Natural products are more easily recognized, absorbed and eliminated by our bodies than products containing chemicals. Also, natural products can usually be used by the whole family since they do not contain harmful ingredients.
There are quite a few natural bath and body, along with, skin care products available online. Bath and body recipes also make it possible to create quality, effective, natural skin care products right at home. Here are a couple of natural bath and body recipes to try. Keep in mind that these recipes are most often meant to be used immediately and shouldn't be stored for more than a couple of days.
Natural Moisturizing Bath Bomb
1 cup citric acid
2 cups baking soda
1 tsp. fragrance oil
1 tsp. olive oil
Mix the first 2 dry ingredients together. Next, mix the 2 wet ingredients together, finally, mixing both wet and dry and forming into balls. Let dry for 24 hours before using.
Natural Shower Exfoliating Body Scrub
1 cup of extra virgin olive oil
2 cups of sea salt
3-4 drops of peppermint oil
Combine all of the ingredients, and use in the shower. Do not use on children as scrubs can cause harm to sensitive skin.
Natural bath and body and skin care products are easily found online with a simple Google search. Many online natural bath and body product companies do not carry large quantities of stock and actually make the products as they are ordered to ensure freshness.
Sherry Frewerd publishes websites on various subjects from recipes to mineral makeup to toddler learning. A nature girl at heart, Sherry believes in the benefits of natural mineral makeup and skincare. Stop over to http://naturalyoumineralmakeup.com for some helpful and fun natural remedies, tips and product suggestions. Forget the Botox, talk to Mother Nature today!

The Importance of Bath and Body Products

Have you ever had the feeling of coming home stressed? When your busy day at work clings to you all the way home, there's nothing more you want than a good night's sleep, free from stress and to become renewed again. There is one way to do that without trying to relieve the stress through calling your friends for a night out. Why not take an essential bath.
Throughout the years bath and body products have revolutionised their purpose and now involve not only cleaning the body, but also in helping you to relax when bathing, as well as keeping your skin healthy. Here are some of the advantages:
It relaxes the mind and body - Over the years, the evolution of these products has turned into something that is more delicate and useful to the body. Today, the use of essential oils and bath products are related to relaxation of the mind, as well as in relaxing the body.
It leaves sweet smelling scents - The highly produced scented soaps, shower gels and shower mists provide a sweet smelling scent that will make you feel fresh everyday. These concentrated bath and body elements are mixed to leave a long lasting sweet fragrance on your body.
It cleanses the body - The basic use of soap? It cleanses the body. There are also many products that act as a skin disinfectant. Its mild hypoallergenic characteristics, keeps your skin safe and clean, while sparing it from germs.
It invigorates the skin - A whole day outside or just by merely staying inside, you will notice how much your skin can dry out. During the summer time, where you are exposed to the heat, your skin can suffer greatly. Bath and body products can provide that moisturising advantage to keep you skin radiant and glowing.
Most common bath and body products:
Body wash - Body wash is commonly used for general cleansing of the body. For those people who have sensitive skin and want to avoid the strong blend of soaps, body wash provides the perfect solution. It is soft and gentle to the skin with the ability to cleanse the body.
Bath salts - These are commonly placed into the bath whilst the water is running. Often, they will dissolve and this will allow you to sink into the relaxing bathwater that is already fragranced and ready to cleanse.
Body moisturiser - A body moisturiser is commonly applied after the bath and it is applied to various parts of your body to keep it moisturised and radiantly glowing.
Bath gel - Bath gels can also be used as bath moisturisers that you use when showering or bathing. Bath gels are scented and this leaves a sweet aroma of carefully blended fragrances on your body.
In choosing products, make sure they are safe for your skin and carefully check the label. Buy something that is organic and ones that have the least chemical mixture. Natural herbs are commonly used in many top quality bath products, choose those you like best and those you think will be good for your skin.
Are you looking for top quality Bath and Body Products for you and your family? If so then thankfully Melbury's is here to help you. For more information on this London based company please visit the website at http://www.melburys.co.uk/.