Used properly essential oils are safe, which can be used to advantage in aromatherapy for massage, the sickroom, the bathroom and to freshen up and make fragrant the air in your home. Always keep them out of reach of children. Use them with care and they will help to take care of you.
Essential oils have been used as a natural perfumery and favouring agent for centuries, they are safe to use in minute quantities, they are no more hazardous to use in the home then bleach or disinfectant. Use essential oils in drops, it will ensure that you are not using to much.
Essential oils are made by distilling natural plant material which is “flower power” as high as it can be, on average, it is seventy times more concentrated than the botanical material from which the oil has been extracted. Citrus oils are made from the peel which when pressed the oil is released. Whatever the method the oil is very concentrated and must be used very sparingly.
Storing essential oils always make sure the cap is tightly on and stored in an upright position and in a cool place, the oils should be out of sight and touch of small children also if you have animals as some oils if swallowed neat can be toxic.
Mixing essential oils when mixing essential oils always ensure that you have the correct amount of carrier oil to which you add the correct amount of essential oils. Never mix in plastic bottles only use glass, porcelain.
Using Droppers now a days most essential oil bottles come with a dropper cap fitted and all you have to do is shake a few drops out. But if your bottle comes with out you must use some sort of dropper so you can have the correct amount of drops.
Using essential oils in oil burners or vaporisers using an oil burner or vaporisers is a popular method today of releasing the natural fragrance of essential oils into your room. You may just want to relax or to be stimulated what ever you choose you can get the right essential oil for the right occasion.
Do note that essential oils can be very volatile they can burn easily. So always take care in position your burner or vaporiser.
You must never allow the oil to go anywhere near a naked flame of the candle.
You must not allow the bowl of the vaporiser to dry out while the candle is still lit.
Always have your burners on a level but firm surface away from windows, curtains anything that is likely to catch fire, always make sure that it cannot be knocked over, stand on tiles, plates or unpolished floor, when in use never leave the burner unattended especially if children or animals are in the room. Always follow the instructions.
Using essential oils in light bulb rings these are mostly made of porcelain sometimes aluminium, they are used in the same way as an oil burner to fragrance a room, the heat from the bulb vaporises the oil best results are when the doors are closed. If using on a lamp make sure the lamp cannot be knocked over and is on a firm surface, the ring goes on top of the light bulb make sure it is straight add water to the ring and a few drops of oil switch on light and when it heats up it vaporises the oil, when refilling the ring always switch off the light and allow to cool before refilling.
Using essential oil in the bathroom adding a few drops of oil to the bath water will give a lovely fragrant you and bath never use more than 10 drops always add oil after you have filled the bath never put oil in first, agitate the water to disperse the oil for people with sensitive skin they can dilute the oil with a small amount of vegetable oil or full fat milk before mixing in bath water. If bathing children don’t let them suck their fingers and don’t let them rub their eyes with wet hands that have been in the water, always wipe down your bath immediately after use as it can mark plastic baths.
Using essential oils in inhalations this method is traditionally a home remedy to help ease congestion caused by colds, coughs, catarrh and sinusitis, just three drops of oil in a bowl with boiling water helps the rising vapours to be inhaled keeping the mouth slightly open and the eyes firmly shut. Eucalyptus, pine or peppermint are mostly used in inhalation.
Essential oils in cooking some essential oils can be used in tiny quantities and are recognised to be save natural flavourings, aniseed, cardamom, lavender, orange and other citrus fruits, peppermint, spearmint, they are all used to flavour sugar confectionary and can also be used in the home for the same purpose, they can also flavour sorbets, ice cream, fondant. Marjoram, rosemary, sage, thyme, used by the cooking industry for flavouring but in the home most people prefer to use the fresh or dried herbs in their cooking as just even one drop of essential oil could ruin most domestic dishes as it is so intense.
Problems that might arise using essential oils Cassia, Clove, Cinnamon, Thyme, can cause skin irritation with people with sensitive skin it varies from person to person and oil to oil always do a little test on yourself before you use any essential oil, dilute a drop of oil and try it on your hand,
Pregnancy and some essential oils are not to be used, Basil Clary Sage Cedarwood Cypress Fennel Hyssop Juniper Marjoram Nutmeg Parsley Peppermint Rose Rosemary Sage Thyme all are considered not to be used when pregnant.
If oils are swallowed or inhaled accidentally then always seek medical advice.
If there is contact with eyes then wash eyes thoroughly with cold water and seek medical attention if stinging persists.
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