Wednesday 8 December 2010

Body Creams - The Benefits of Using All Natural Body Lotions and Creams

It is highly probable that if more people understood what it is that goes into the body creams that the major cosmetics companies are doling out that sales would drop dramatically. People buy these body lotion and creams because they are everywhere. They are on the shelves of every store, they fill the pages of every magazine, and television ads and infomercials run seemingly 24 hours a day.
Then there is the fact that people feel comfortable with the familiar names on the labels. Certainly no body creams produced by companies that have been in business for so long would ever contain ingredients that could be harmful to you. As long as people are willing to blindly trust a brand name we will continue to lack for quality products.
What you will typically find in the body lotion and creams being manufactured by these trusted names is dozens of chemical agents, playing various roles that would be better suited for all natural ingredients. Many of these chemicals have been proven to be toxic to humans, and really have no place being in a product that is designed to be absorbed by your skin.
If you knew that the body creams that these companies were offering you were full of organ toxins, neurotoxins, endocrine system disruptors, and cancer causing agents, would you still be willing to buy them? Of course you wouldn't, because nobody in their right mind would. So, instead of continuing to use these products you need to make the switch to the formulas that are safe for you to use.
What you need to do is investigate the all natural body lotion and creams that are being made available by companies that actually care about bringing you products that are healthy for you, and effective. The companies that are showing this level of integrity are generally the small to mid-sized corporations, but don't let their size fool you into thinking that the products that they manufacture aren't capable of big things.
Take for instance the body creams being developed by a company in New Zealand that through the use of proteins have found a way to stimulate your collagen and elastin production. They have also discovered that an extract from a particular variety of sea kelp will halt the breakdown of your skin's hyaluronic acid. The introduction of all of this new tissue will leave your skin absolutely line and wrinkle free.
This company's body lotion and creams are primarily made up of plant based ingredients. Their formulas provide you with a wide variety of oils, waxes, and extracts that will provide your skin with all of the nutrients that are essential to maintaining good health. They also provide your skin with a heaping dose of antioxidants for repairing all of the damage that free radicals have done.
The benefits of using all natural body creams far outweigh the pitfalls of using a formula that is primarily chemical based. Try the all natural formulas that are being made in New Zealand, and you will discover just how effective skin care can be.
You can find more information on how to choose effective and healthy body creams here. Or visit to learn how to choose a quality body lotions and creams that will give you positive results.

Essential Oils - 8 Ways to Apply Essential Oils to the Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body. Once essential oils have passed the epidermis and the underlying structure of the skin, they are carried in the blood circulation to every cell of the body. Studies have shown that once essential oils have passed through the skin most can be detected in exhaled air within 20 to 60 minutes.
There are many ways oils can be applied to the skin, This article describes eight of those ways: compresses, sprays or spritzers, mouthwashes and gargles, baths, topical application, salves, creams and gels.
1. Hot or cold compresses are easy to use. Simply pour about one quart of the desired temperature of water into a small basin. Add 5-7 drops of the selected essential oil, then swish the oil into the water. Dip a cotton washcloth into the water, swish it around to collect the oils, wring it out, and place the cloth on the body. This is generally left in place for 15 minutes or until the temperature is no longer effective. An example of a cold compress would be to use spearmint drops in cool water and placing the compress on the throat for relief of laryngitis. A warm compress, using geranium drops, could give relief of menstrual cramps. Be certain to use therapeutic grade medicinal quality essential oils. Recreational grade oils will probably not give the desired therapeutic effect.
2. Sprays and spritzers are fun to use. This is one of my favorite ways to apply essential oils. Simply fill a small, spray-topped, bottle with distilled water, and add the selected essential oil to the water. A good gauge is 10-15 drops of oil into four ounces of distilled water. Since oil and water do not mix, it is important to remember to shake the bottle before spraying. Once prepared, it can be sprayed onto the affected area of the skin three to four times a day. An example would be to add 3 drops of therapeutic grade lavender, 3 drops of cypress, and 2 drops of peppermint to two ounces of Witch Hazel solution or distilled water. This formula is good for relief of itching. Sprays and spritzers are also excellent for dispersing essential oils into the air.
3. Mouthwashes and gargles can easily be made. Add 1-2 drops of the selected essential oil to a cup of distilled water. Mix well and use as a mouthwash or gargle. An example would be to add 3-4 drops of Tea Tree oil to a cup of distilled water or vinegar for use at the first sign of a sore throat.
4. Baths are a favorite way to use essential oils on the skin. A few drops of selected essential oils can be added directly to the bath, but it is important to swish them around very well; otherwise they will float on top of the water and could be irritating to sensitive areas of the skin. They can also leave a film in the bathtub. Adding essential oils to a dispersing agent will prevent this problem. This is why essential oils are first added to bath salts. Another good dispersing agent is milk. Simply add a few drops of the selected oil to a cup or so of milk, and then swish the milk around in the bath water. A popular uses of baths is for relaxation, An example would be to add bath salts or gels containing lavender to the bath.
5. Foot, hand and sitz baths are also very good ways to use essential oils. A good gauge for these smaller amounts of water is 5-7 drops of selected essential oils into the dispersing agent, adding the dispersing agent to about a quart of water. An example of hand bath could be using an arthritic formula for relief of pain. Foot baths are good for treating fungus infections on the feet, and sitz baths are great for obtaining relief of hemorrhoid pain. Check with your aromatherapist for a formula specific for your needs, and for recommendations as to the appropriate temperature.
6. Topical Application is the most used method of application. Essential oils should be applied directly (neat) to the skin only under the specific guidance of a qualified aromatherapist. Most essential oils should first be added to a carrier oil before applying directly to the skin. An example of topical application is massage. Many massage therapists add essential oils to the oils they use for massage. For example, they may add a lavender drops to their massage oil to aid in relaxation. There are several carrier oils that are beneficial to the skin, and can be used in conjunction with essential oils. A good gauge is 15 drops of the selected essential oil per ounce of carrier oil. This is a 2.5 % solution.
7. Salves are used when a thicker solution is needed for topical application. A quick way to make a salve is to add the selected essential oils it to an unscented lotion or cream. Salves are useful in treating muscular aches, respiratory problems and skin conditions. Then the salve can then be applied to the affected area. The gauge is 15 drops of essential oil per ounce of cream or salve.
8. Cream and gels are similar to salves, and also good ways to apply essential oils to the skin. Again, the gauge is around 15 drops of essential oil per ounce of cream or gel. Check with your aromatherapist as to which essential oils are best suited for your specific needs.
A registered nurse and a registered aromatherapist, Judy has a special interest in using essential oils in health care and prevention. For information about Judy and for ways to obtain her favorite essential oils, visit her Web page at:

Monday 6 December 2010

Making Essential Oils Work For You

Essential Oils are fragrant, liquid products derived from plants. They can be used in a variety of purposes including but not limited to:
- Perfumery
- Cosmetics
- Incense
- Culinary purposes
- Food essence
- Fabric and hair conditioners
- Detergents and other cleaning products and aromatherapy
- Remedies for mental fatigue and stress
- Mitigating depression
- Fading away sadness
I. History
They have been around since antiquity and credits were given to early Egyptians when they employ essential oils for cosmetics, perfumery, and embalming purposes. Examples of essential oils are peppermint, sandalwood, Citronella oil, lavender oil, and eucalyptus etc. Based from the example given, essential oil is named from the plant material from which it was extracted.
II. Production
Essential oils are produced in different ways. Most are produced by distillation (steam distillation). Distillation is a process of separating liquids of different vapor pressure. In chemistry we learned that a substance with higher vapor pressure has a lower boiling point. The next paragraph illustrates this process. In this process, the plant material are held in a pressing material or kept in a certain container where liquids will be allowed to evaporate. Liquid substances in the plant material with lower boiling points are distilled first while allowing liquid material with higher boiling points to remain as in the case of essential oils. Still, other essences (essential oils) are so hard to extract that they need to undergo a series of complicated process. Jasmine and rose oils are examples. They undergo rigorous distillation process, first by being washed in a sea of solvent material (supercritical carbon dioxide or hexane) to extract a mixture of essential oils (concrete) derived from the process. The concrete will then have to undergo a second phase of distillation process using alcohol-based products, to effectively separate various volatile oil (absolute) products from the distilled material.
III. Uses
Due to their characteristic volatile (readily vaporizable) and molecular properties, essential oils possess characteristic odor, and can be appreciated through smelling, skin application and ingestion.
Essential oils are used most commonly used in
- Perfumery
- Aromatherapists (body treatment, including massage with the use of botanical oils/essential oils) Herbalists, chiropractors (treatment aimed at correcting neurobiological connections in the body), and naturopaths (treatment using natural therapeutic method such as air, water, sunshine), use essential oils in various treatment strategies.
- Medical doctors are also reported to have been using essential oils in the treatment of various dermatological problems. They are also used in trials involving placebo-containing medical products.
- Psychologists and psychiatrists employs a number of essential oils in the treatment of anxiety, depression, hysteria, panic attacks, apathy and a number of psychological problems.
- Botanical oils are also used in culinary applications
- Manufacture of detergents and soaps - Their incorporation in soaps and hair products allows for the quick healing of cuts and bruises and other scalp problems such as dandruff
- Provide characteristic scent to beverages and lately candles
IV. Choosing The Right Essential Oils for You
With hundreds of botanical oils around, you will surely be able to find one that is right for you. Different people have different preferences for essential oils but it's a fact that there are oils which are fitted for use for a specific end-user. In choosing the type of botanical oil that is perfect for you, you may consider the following recommendations below:
Know yourself
Essential oils have characteristic effect on your body. It may help stimulate your senses if you are depressed or emotionally down or help you calm down after a stressful moment. In any case, an expert aromatherapist will be able to help you decide which essential oils are best for you.
Skin Type
Some people are allergic to essential oils and may cause them to suffer biological aversion to aromatic scents. There are botanical oils that are perfect for a specific skin types, allowing some people to use a specific scent more than another.
Scent Extension
Some aromatic, herbal plants contain a measly amount of essential oils. Infact, it takes more than 8 million flowers of jasmine in order to produce a measly 2 pounds of jasmine essential oils. Some are diluted with Geranium oil or sweet almond oil in order to somewhat extend their fragrance. They do not diminish the scent of the jasmine but theoretically, increasing its usability.
V. Popular Essential Oils
Useful for skin sensitivity conditions and allergies, relaxing and relieves pain. For dry skin
Used for various fungal infections and other skin problems. Effective for repelling insects. For dry skin
Rose oil
This essential oil has a mild antiseptic ingredient. It decongest clogged nose, ease sore throat and sinusitis, and effective for insomniacs.
Relaxing and loosen up pain caused by bruises, cuts and insect bits (analgesic effect).
Due to its moisturizing and antiseptic properties, this essential oil is effective both for individuals with normal or dry skin. It has an extraordinary calming effect and is best used in meditation (yoga).
This essential oil activates your senses. It makes your body come alive after a saddening moment (anti-depressant). Effective for dry skin.
For more great essential oil related articles and resources check out []

The Benefits of Natural Skin, Hair, Bath and Body Products

The vast majority of us use toiletries and cosmetics for personal care, hygiene or beautifcation purposes throughout our lives. Starting with nappy rash creams, bubble baths, shampoos, oils and talc as a baby; to perfumes, hair dyes and products, aftershaves, creams, lotions, deodorants, bubble baths, shower gels etc from our teens right up until our twilight years.
Unfortunately, many of these Skin, Hair, Bath and Body products contain synthetic chemicals, which can be toxic and  harmful to our health. There is consistent evidence to suggest that some synthetic chemicals can cause various degrees of harm, ranging from allergic reactions to the skin, imbalances to the hormonal, immune and nervous systems, disruptions to foetal growth and even cancer.
As the Skin is an absorptive organ, i.e has the capacity to absorb what we put on to it, it is really important that we use products which are not harmful to our health. It would be wise to raise one's awareness of unsafe ingredients and to read product labels before purchasing goods.
As more and more people are becoming aware of the safety issues relating to popular toiletries and cosmetics, the demand for natural products is increasing. By natural I mean finished products which are derived from natural ingredients (which are also classed as chemicals, only natural) such as Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Herbal Extracts, Essential Oils etc. They are neither man-made nor synthetic.  This trend is also linked to a wider issue of toxicity in our food, the air we breathe, the water we drink and of the various diseases this may cause.
Just to bring a balanced view, the issue of safety and toxicity is still present even with natural ingredients. Some can cause allergic reactions, others are safe to use but in restricted quantities and others are simply not safe to use at all.  There is also the danger of some contamination, as impurities from pesticides, insecticides and pollution in the air and water enter into the ingredients whilst they are growing in nature.
The extraction, distillation or refining methods of ingredients such as oils, butters, essential oils etc can also affect the purity and potency of the ingredients. For this reason, it is important to buy your products from a manufacturer or supplier, who uses quality ingredients. Organic, unrefined or cold pressed are the purest and most potent. If you are unsure and cannot find the information from the label, ask the manufacturer or supplier. Any reputable company with strong ethics will be willing to reveal this information.
Despite the safety issues regarding natural products, they are still my preference.  Natural products have many powerful therapeutic properties for the Skin and Body. Some ingredients are even holistic in that they have a therapeutic effect on the whole person, Body, Mind and Emotions. A good example of this is Essential Oils, natural extracts of various fauna and flora, such as Lavender, Rose, Chamomile.
On a personal note, there is something very special and nurturing about creating and using natural Skin Care, Bath and Body products To me, they help build a closer connection between myself and Mother Earth, which can easily be lost living in a concrete, hustle and bustle inner city environment.
The Properties of Ingredients commonly used in Natural Skin Care, Bath and Body Products
Cocoa Butter Excellent for use on very dry, dehydrated and chapped skin as it moisturises, soothes and protects. It is a natural source of vitamin E which has numerous skin benefits. Often recommended for skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and dermatitis. Helps to protect sensitive skin from external elements by providing a moisture-retaining barrier to the environment. Cocoa butter has a long tradition of being used by pregnant women to help prevent stretch marks as well as reduce their appearance.
Evening Primrose Oil When applied externally, it is an exceptionally nourishing oil for dry, aging or chapped skin. Its high GLA makes it valuable for the healthy functioning of body tissues and can help conditions such as, eczema, psoriasis, fine lines and wrinkles. Taken internally, it helps with arthritis, asthma, breast tenderness, depression, eczema, high blood pressure, overweight, PMS.
Rose Essential Oil PMT and PMS, menopausal problems, depression, tones the entire system, stress, aphrodisiac, acne, decongesting the tissues, bactericidal, regulates the entire female reproductive organs, frigidity, impotence, sterility, uterine disorders, tension, post natal depression, tonic for many organs, good for dry, sensitive and mature skin. Excellent for sensitive and mature/ageing skin and mild enough for young babies and small children.
Lavender Essential Oil regulates nervous systems, aches and pains, rheumatic conditions, faintness, palpitations, stress and fatigue, depression, highly antiseptic, coughs and colds, high blood pressure, allergies, burns, insect bites, cuts, bruises, insomnia, eczema, acne, regulates scanty periods, cardiac regulator, asthma, bronchitis, epilepsy, flatulence, dermatitis, diarrhoea, headaches, hysteria, flu, migraine, nervous tension, promotes healing, helps scar tissue, antibiotic, reduces pain in labour, diuretic, sore throats, general tonic.
Honey is a natural humectant, which means it has the ability to attract and retain moisture. Its natural hydrating properties make it ideal for use in moisturizing products. It is also suitable for sensitive skin products. Studies have also revealed that honey has significant natural antioxidant properties. Antioxidants play a role in protecting the skin from the damage of UV rays, and aiding in skin rejuvenation. It is also antimicrobial (prevents the growth of certain bacteria) and so is useful for minor acne or infected areas of skin.
Aloe Vera is a powerful moisturizing, cooling and soothing ingredient, often used in After Sun products. It contains vitamin B complex, Folic acid, vitamin C and carotene (a precursor of vitamin A)
Shea Butter This is extracted from the nut of the Shea (Karite) tree, and like Cocoa butter has been used in Africa for natural skin and hair care for many centuries. Useful for many skin conditions: dry, dehydrated and mature skins, it is deeply moisturising and can help to maintain skin elasticity, useful for chapped or sore skin, helps dry skin with eczema and psoriasis as it is healing and soothing, excellent for damaged skin (including stretch marks - a good ingredient for pregnant belly balms), and protects the skin from external elements, excellent for rehydrating the skin after prolonged exposure to the sun.
White Kaolin (Clay) is mostly used for sensitive skin. Rich in minerals. A gentle, less absorbent clay that effectively cleanses and clarifies the skin. Softens and tones. Particularly useful for sensitive, dry and mature skin types
Calendula may be found in products as a herbal extract or as an oil infusion. Good for all skin types, particularly eczema, psoriasis, chapped, dry or damaged skin. It is also useful for balancing excessive oil production in the skin, for treating wounds, scars, burns, inflammation and other injuries as it aids in tissue regeneration. Jojoba Oil nourishing skin and soothing for inflamed skins, psoriasis, eczema, any sort of dermatitis. Can help control acne and oily skin or scalp since excess sebum actually dissolves in jojoba.
For further information regarding Ingredients and Product Safety, please visit Safe Cosmetics.  They have a large and ever growing database of ingredients and well known products, which are scored for safety on a scale of 0 low risk to 10 high risk.
Zoe Penny, Holistic and Beauty Therapist, Natural Product Designer

Body Lotion - The Secret to Staying Young

After a stressful day at work, your skin can become very dry and broken and lacks moisture and nutrients, therefore it is imperative to feed your skin with some minerals. Body lotion is the ideal way to make your skin happy again. These contain cocoa and Shea butters that help to restore your skins natural elasticity and keep it soft and smooth. These lotions are packed full of vitamin E to encourage cell regeneration and protection against environmental damage.
Application - After A Bath
There is nothing more relaxing than a soak in the bath, and to make sure your skin is nurtured and rub in body lotion that consist of natural ingredients that once applied provides a smooth sensation as well as a gorgeous smell. It will be easily absorbed after the bath, as skin's pores will be wide open and receptive to the soothing effects of the body lotion.
These are ingredients made without chemicals as these have more benefits and fewer harmful side effects to your skin and body. Most of the ingredients used to make body lotion are natural and organic. These help to form anti aging lotions as these organic elements are nourishing your skin, thus making your skin healthy. This is the most important factor to applying body lotion to the skin according to most women. These women are under the constant pressure of trying to maintain young and healthy skin. As one gets older the body struggles to create enough collagen and elastin, both of which help to keep your skin to look firm. These have been proven to slow down the aging process.
Body lotions not only feel great but smell great - a smell that emanates from your skin for hours. These lotions are made from essential oils that are derived from vegetable and plant oils. These oils are referred to as essential because they carry a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant. The popularity of essential oils have exploded in the last couple of decades due to their medicinal and aromatherapy uses. Popular oils include eucalyptus globulus, cedarwood and menthe arvensis that help radiate a gorgeous smell from the skin.
The aforementioned natural ingredients help to rejuvenate tired, dry skin by absorbing into the body that in turn enables your skin to remain healthy in the long term. Regular application of body lotion will help the skin not only feel young but look young. When applying the, you are effectively feeding your skin that was neglected for a few days that is hungry for a cool balming lotion.
Reinvigorate your skin with Abahna Body Lotion

Shea Butter - For Natural Skin and Hair Care

Shea butter is a natural fatty extract from the kernels of the shea tree found in West and Central Africa. As a skin moisturiser, shea butter penetrates deep into the skin and retains moisture, thus helping to improve elasticity and combat wrinkles. For hair and scalp, shea butter moisturises dry or damaged hair, without blocking hair shafts, and helps protect against weather damage and brittleness. With its composition of nonsaponifiable fats, Vitamin F and anti-inflammatory agents, shea butter can help provide relief from dry skin, eczema, dermatitis, sun-damaged skin, burns and other dermatological conditions.
Unique properties
The key components of pure shea butter are:
  • Nonsaponifiable fatty acids: help retain moisture, thus helping to improve elasticity and combat wrinkles
  • Vitamins A, E and F: help protect the skin and prevent premature wrinkles and facial lines
  • Cinnamic acid: a natural sunscreen that provides some degree of protection from UV rays
  • Anti-elastase properties: helps prevent and reduce stretch marks during pregnancy and generally improves skin suppleness
  • Anti-inflammatory agents: for relieving eczema, dermatitis, sun-damaged skin and burns
  • Stigmasterol: useful in relaxing tired muscles and providing relief for swelling and arthritis

Refined and unrefined shea butter
The more shea butter is processed, the higher the chance some of the nutrients are going to be removed. Unrefined shea butter is the least processed. It is manually extracted, thereby retaining its natural colour and smell, and most of its nutritional properties. The shea nuts are cracked, grilled and pounded and then boiled in water until the butter rises to the surface. It is then scooped into gourds and left to cool and set.Refined shea butter, on the other hand, is put through clay filters, which remove its natural odour. Highly refined shea butter is processed using chemicals such as hexane, losing most of its healing properties in the process and is pure white with no smell. The shea butter that you find in most "shop bought" creams and lotions involves the use of hexane. Cosmetics companies use this form of shea in packaged consumer products because it provides the same colour and consistency batch to batch.
Practical applications and tips
Skin care: After bathing, apply shea butter generously to the entire body, particularly to the neck and shoulders. Use shea butter on your hands as often as possible and massage it into your feet to help reduce stress and tensions in your body. Apply in between your toes to avoid smelly feet.
Hair care: After washing your hair, massage some shea butter into the scalp and hair to soothe irritation and replenish lost moisture. Then wrap with a warm towel for about 30 minutes. Before swimming, apply to your hair to help protect it from chlorine and salt.
Shaving: Apply shea butter before shaving to soften the skin and after shaving to avoid bumps and irritations.
Skin conditions: For treating dry skin conditions such as eczema and chapped skin, apply shea butter directly to the affected area. You can also use it on minor rashes, bruises and burns to soothe irritation, aid healing and reduce scarring.
Eileen Murphy is the founder of Scotia Fair Trade, a business that promotes Fair Trade natural skin care products and crafts from Africa, Asia and South America. Visit for more information.

Bath and Body - Natural Bath and Body Products Revealed!

Bath and body go hand and hand! But even more important needs to be health, bath and body. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and what we soak in, clean with and apply to the skin affects our well being and health.
Many beauty products contain harsh chemicals - many may even lead to skin cancer! A natural bath and body product is recommended by most doctors over those with chemical compounds.
Natural oils and butters should be the products main ingredients.
If you are looking to better the appearance of your skin- choose wisely. Learn how to read the product ingredient labels and know what the ingredient list means. For example, to help lighten age spots - look for Mango butter, and or Shea butter - but know that you need at least 20% of these butters in the product to work effectively.
To help the appearance of diminishing scars - again you will need at least 20% of these butters in the ingredient list. Look for products such as body butters and body creams- rather than simply hand and body lotions. Natural skincare companies tend to use a higher percent of the butters than commercial companies. Commercial companies finds ways to save on the profit margin by adding chemicals to thicken without the need of the extra butter.
Another skincare health tip is when vitamins are added to the bath and body routine, add them to your diet to get the most out of the actual vitamin. Adding vitamins to skincare products doesn't really add enough to give you the actual result needed. Again, this is all a matter of the percent in which the vitamin is within the product.
Things to look for in selecting a natural bath and body product company:
1. Do they list the ingredients on their web site?
2. Do they list disclaimers, cautions, allergies notes to medication or allergens?
3. Do they offer organic ingredients in their product line?
These are my top three advisors in recognizing a company who truly cares about your well being.
Things to stay away from:
1. Companies not following the bylaws and laws of manufacturing by claiming and using terms not allowed.
2. Companies making medical claims and not being a drug approved company by the FDA.
3. Aromatherapy products making therapy claims to heal.
4. Uncertified organic companies claiming they are selling organic products.
All of the above notes are illegal, yet many bath and body companies make these claims, especially in their ads and on their websites.
Lastly, in conclusion - natural spa products are more earth friendly, body friendly, and health friendly. Find a company manufacturing the natural products with some credentials - this way you will know you are getting the best of both worlds.
Laura Thomas, owner of Castle Baths, where she has included a full list of Natural Ingredients and what each ingredient can do to help you in your skincare needs. To learn more about bath and body ingredients visit Castle Baths.

Good Reasons To Choose The Natural Bath And Body Products

A natural bath and body product has ingredients that are made solely from natural ingredients from herbs, oils, roots and flower extracts. To help retain their nutrients, these ingredients are often mixed with other agents. The agents used are humectants, preservatives, surfactants and emulsifiers such as mineral water, oils and soap. Basically, a natural product carries no synthetic chemicals.
Can I make my own natural skin care solution?
These products can be made by anyone. Many people make skin care solutions in their kitchen. Salt baths can be easily created with some kitchen sea salt, natural oils and even herbs like turmeric. But since there is now a growing number of companies that are promoting the natural body product, we no longer have to spend time in the kitchen pounding on orange peels into a pulp or blending ingredients before being able to use them on our skin. Therefore, using this is definitely more convenient. The product is ready in a jar and can be stored easily.
What are the benefits of using a natural bath and body product?
These products usually nourishes from the inside out. The ingredients found in it actually work with your skin's natural functions. For example, they are able to stimulate the normal production of sebum in your skin. They are also able to build natural barriers to protect and support healthy skin without the harshness. Basically, using these products is like fitting a glove over cold hands rather than applying heat, which may burn or cause dryness.
First, these product is gentle on your skin, since its ingredients harmonize with your body's natural processes. This means you can take as many baths as you want with the product without developing skin irritation.
The agents mixed in it can also control the toxic ingredients of natural derivatives like vegetable and animal extracts. Therefore, these products are preferred over home made concoctions.
Natural ingredients also have high medicinal value. Thousands of years ago humans have been using natural ingredients to treat simple cuts to deep wounds. It's no wonder natural products are now being manufactured to heal the body as well as the senses. For example, lavender oil used in a bath can promote both a soothing and relaxing effect.
Unfortunately, natural bath and body products have short shelf life. However, this is because it has no added chemicals. Also, the product may not act as immediate remedy for severe skin conditions, but can be safer as a gentle treatment that gives you positive effects in the long run. For best results, use natural bath and body products for skin health maintenance.
Pamper yourself with nature's bounty. Visit online bath and body shop for the top natural bath and body product for you.