Monday 6 December 2010

Bath and Body - Natural Bath and Body Products Revealed!

Bath and body go hand and hand! But even more important needs to be health, bath and body. Our skin is the largest organ of the body and what we soak in, clean with and apply to the skin affects our well being and health.
Many beauty products contain harsh chemicals - many may even lead to skin cancer! A natural bath and body product is recommended by most doctors over those with chemical compounds.
Natural oils and butters should be the products main ingredients.
If you are looking to better the appearance of your skin- choose wisely. Learn how to read the product ingredient labels and know what the ingredient list means. For example, to help lighten age spots - look for Mango butter, and or Shea butter - but know that you need at least 20% of these butters in the product to work effectively.
To help the appearance of diminishing scars - again you will need at least 20% of these butters in the ingredient list. Look for products such as body butters and body creams- rather than simply hand and body lotions. Natural skincare companies tend to use a higher percent of the butters than commercial companies. Commercial companies finds ways to save on the profit margin by adding chemicals to thicken without the need of the extra butter.
Another skincare health tip is when vitamins are added to the bath and body routine, add them to your diet to get the most out of the actual vitamin. Adding vitamins to skincare products doesn't really add enough to give you the actual result needed. Again, this is all a matter of the percent in which the vitamin is within the product.
Things to look for in selecting a natural bath and body product company:
1. Do they list the ingredients on their web site?
2. Do they list disclaimers, cautions, allergies notes to medication or allergens?
3. Do they offer organic ingredients in their product line?
These are my top three advisors in recognizing a company who truly cares about your well being.
Things to stay away from:
1. Companies not following the bylaws and laws of manufacturing by claiming and using terms not allowed.
2. Companies making medical claims and not being a drug approved company by the FDA.
3. Aromatherapy products making therapy claims to heal.
4. Uncertified organic companies claiming they are selling organic products.
All of the above notes are illegal, yet many bath and body companies make these claims, especially in their ads and on their websites.
Lastly, in conclusion - natural spa products are more earth friendly, body friendly, and health friendly. Find a company manufacturing the natural products with some credentials - this way you will know you are getting the best of both worlds.
Laura Thomas, owner of Castle Baths, where she has included a full list of Natural Ingredients and what each ingredient can do to help you in your skincare needs. To learn more about bath and body ingredients visit Castle Baths.

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